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Beyond Organic: Regenerative Farming

At KS Farm, we believe that we must be regenerative, rather than "sustainable"; the land that we manage with the help of our animals is continually improving and soil health, biodiversity is constantly increasing.  Our longterm goal is to never reach a level that we want to "sustain", but rather to remain open to continuous growth and possibility. 
We believe that our customers are the ones who need to approve our management methods, rather than a third-party certification body.  We do not vaccinate our cattle (something which is permitted under Canadian Organic Certification standards, as are many different substances and medications).  Instead, we strive to maintain a healthy herd through our management practices and husbandry.  We run our operation and live our lives in a holistic and regenerative way that resonates with our principles and beliefs. 

We are continuously working to build our land and soils through our management practices.  Our pastures and hayland have not been cultivated or tilled in nearly two decades, and we have been direct-seeding multi-species cocktail crops into our existing forage stands.  The results have been astounding!  One of the most exciting aspects of our operation is seeing the soils come alive as the diversity of species in our pastures increase.  The soil is the foundation upon which all life on earth stands; we are honoured and humbled that we have the opportunity to engage in a type of farming that regenerates the biology and vital functions of the land in our care. 

We are so fortunate and blessed to be living the life we are, in tune with nature, and the ever-changing seasons and circumstances of our lives and our animals' lives; we will continue to honour those gifts in our actions and conduct.

We strongly believe that people need to have access to nutrient-dense, affordable, high quality, health-giving food.  We are seeking to help fill this need, and we take an interest in the well-being of our customers and their families.  It is a special way of life that has already brought us new and valued friendships.  We look forward to the future and the valued customers that we have yet to meet.